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Events and Activities

Winter Camp Workshops  



TIA2030 will organise a Winter Camp Workshop in each of the three years, in 2024, 2025 and 2026. The topics for workshop will be related to European Union and its implementation of Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals. Specific topics will be announced every year.

The purpose of this event is to enable communication between academia, students, professionals, policy-makers, civil servants, businesses, civil society and the general public at large with the purpose of mutual learning and exchange of experience, ideas, and to start planning future innovative projects.

The Workshops will be organized according to the key elements of Open Innovation 2.0, a new paradigm where not only academia and policy-makers, but also industry and civil participants work together to co-create the future and drive structural changes far beyond the scope of what any one organization or person could do alone.


  • Winter Camp Workshop 2024 - results.

Thematic sessions at the international conference – Jean Monnet Day

TIA2030 will organise Special Thematic Sessions at the annual international Slovenian Social Science Conference with Jean Monnet Day organised by the Slovenian Social Science Association in all three years of duration of the project.

We will invite other Jean Monnet Chairs, Jean Monnet Module coordinators and Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence to network and mutual exchange of experience during dissemination process. We will aim to attract Slovenian and also international Jean Monnet project holders. The topics will be related to development and implementation of European grand strategies, particularly the one developed towards 2030. 

Round Table Discussions

TIA2030 will organise Round Table Sessions as a part of “social science evening discussions” per year, a total of three for the duration of the project. With this activity we particularly aim to attract non-academic target groups.


The sessions will be organized around the following topics:
1. European grand visions and implementation deficit – focusing on Agenda 2030 and its SDGs.
2. Institutions, social networks and cognitive frames in implementation of Agenda 2030.
3. The European Union and public diplomacy for Agenda 2030.


  • Round Table Session 2024 - results will be soon uvailable here.

Field Trips

TIA2030 will participate in organisation of three field trips, which will be closely related with the topic of the project.


We will organise the following trips with the topics:
1. Field trip to EU institutions in Brussels, and possibly in Luxembourg and Strasbourg, to discuss and learn about the EU implementation of Agenda 2030. More info about this field trip in 2024 is available here.
2. Field trip to Switzerland, to discuss and learn about United Nations approach to implementation of Agenda 2030 and its SDGs;
3. Field trip to one of the Western Balkans states (e.g. to Sarajevo, Belgrade, Skopje); the field trip will focus on the impact of Agenda 2030 on neighbourhood regions and the impact of the EU public diplomacy.

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