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Technology and Innovations for Agenda 2030 -

EU Global Leadership


Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence titled Technology and Innovations for Agenda 2030 (TIA2030) will be the focal point for competence and knowledge on European Union implementation of United Nations global Agenda 2030, which is aiming to decouple economic growth from environmental and social degradation, and the global leadership of the EU in this process.


European Union played an important role in adoption of Agenda 2030. It has accepted it as its next (current) grand strategy, succeeding the Lisbon Strategy and Europe 2020, and can play the leading role in this transition beyond its borders and on the global level.

TIA2030 is designed to complement and upgrade the activities of the current Jean Monnet Chair titled Cultural political Economy of Europe 2030 (2020-2023), focusing on overcoming the implementation deficit of the EU grand strategies and the role of technological innovations in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Agenda 2030.


To achieve this, TIA2030 will be based on

i.) Open Innovation 2.0, an emerging paradigm where stakeholders co-create the future and drive structural changes,

ii.) Open Source model, drawing from and contributing to knowledge freely available to the public, and

iii.) SOFIA conceptual framework, where systems of technological innovations are continuously (re)shaped by institutions, social networks and cognitive frames.


TIA2030 will engage a variety of target groups in its activities, i.e. academia, students, professionals, policy-makers, civil servants, businesses, civil society and the general public at large.


TIA2030 will set up infrastructure, methodologies, protocols, and tools to systematically collect, evaluate and make publicly available both already existing documentary resources and new primary empirical data. This will be the foundation for multi-level policy debate with relevant audiences (conference special sessions, joint field trips and round table discussions) and will enable to develop content and tools on EU subjects, to complement and upgrade current courses and curricula (course modules, summer schools, workshops), which will be available as Open Educational Resources.


As a result, TIA2030 will advance interdisciplinary EU studies and deal with the phenomenon of EU implementation deficit, with a view to offer research and educational tools that could be utilised throughout Europe and beyond, to contribute to awareness of Agenda 2030 and its implementation.

D5.1 TIA 2030 Quality Assurance Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Related public deliverables:
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