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The working methodology is combining four interdisciplinary elements:


i.) The developed educational approach will be based on student-centred learning, shifting the focus from professor to the student, aiming to develop autonomy and independence of the learner, which will substantially increase the quality of the teaching and assure better results.
ii.) Key elements of Open Innovation 2.0 will be incorporated, a new paradigm where academia, policy-makers, industry and civil society work together to co-create structural changes far beyond the scope of individual actor.
iii.) The methodology takes into account the SOFIA approach focusing on institutional, social and cognitive foundations and mechanisms of implementation of Agenda 2030 and its SDGs. This approach can be instrumental in providing the relevant tools and provide inclusion of all target groups in the process, especially through debates on relevant strategic ideas (dealing with economic, political, environmental, social demographic etc. challenges etc.) on the EU, national and regional levels, through selection of the most relevant strategic priorities in the open political process, and through dissemination of ideas on EU strategic development. This is a transdisciplinary approach that employs a variety of disciplines. 
iv.) This approach will provide the basis for research activities, which will enable to collect primary information, i.e. semi-structured interviews and/or focus groups in 9 EU countries (core, semi-peripheral and peripheral), three 3rd countries from three continents with different economic, social and environmental circumstances (thus corresponding to the three dimensions of sustainable development) where European Union has a representations as testing cases (USA, Russia, Thailand) and on the international level (European Union and United Nations) on EU strategy for innovations-based implementation of Agenda 2030, and its impact on international, national and regional levels; crowdsourcing and online platform will be implemented to collect and exchange knowledge, information and data also after the end of TIA2030.

Related public deliverables:
D3.1 TIA2030 Literature review with meta-analysis
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